Doctors Academy

Doctors Academy Publications

This book is an excellent resource for medical students of all years. It addresses two of the most important and essential aspects in clinical practice - undertaking clinical procedures and effective communication skills. Whilst a number of books provide factual knowledge, there is a paucity of resources that cover the aforementioned areas. This book covers the practical aspects for undertaking a clinical procedure in a step-by-step manner. Each procedure is broken down into sections to help focus on the various stages of performing it. The chapter starts from the initial gathering of the thought process, the purpose of the procedure, the equipment and the set-up required, undertaking the procedure, and finally the potential complications. For some procedures the pertinent theory is also summarised. The book also covers some of the common communication scenarios that the students frequently find challenging. These include stations on difficult consultation, breaking bad news, information giving and information gathering, and consenting for surgical and invasive procedures. At the end of the each scenario, a fact file is provided to help consolidate the student's understanding of the topic.

List of topics


  • Arterial blood gas sampling
  • Venepuncture
  • Peripheral venous cannulation
  • Administrating intravenous medication
  • Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Electrocardiogram tracing
  • Nasogstric tube insertion
  • Male and female urinary catheterisation
  • Per rectal examination
  • Peak expiratory flow rate measurement
  • Use of metered dose inhaler
  • Surgical technique for interrupted suturing

Communication skills:

  • Chest Pain
  • Per rectal (PR) bleeding
  • Explanation for colonoscopy
  • Explanation for ERCP
  • Explanation of warfarin therapy
  • Assessing risk of suicide
  • Assessing risk of alcohol abuse
  • Breaking bad news of cancelled operation
  • Breaking bad news of stroke diagnosis
  • Breaking bad news of sexually transmitted infection
  • Breaking bad news of epilepsy diagnosis

ISBN: 978-93-80573-23-6

Print Copy
£ 17.99

Electronic copy
£ 8.99

Kindle version
£ 5.83

(Use official Kindle App to view in iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire HD and Windows 8)

Authors’ details

Dr. Ashleigh Majoe, MBBCh

Dr. Ting Ching Tang, MBBCh

Dr. Susanne Kumar, MBBCh (Hons), MRCP

Dr. Angharad Gray, MBBCh, MA (Oxon), MSc

Dr. Catherine Evans, MBChB


Ms. Karen Au-Yeung, BSc, MBBCh (Hons), MRCS

Professor Stuart Enoch,MBBS, MRCSEd, PGCert (Med Sci), MRCS (Eng), Ph.D

Print copy (Soft back)
  • Print Copy: 154 pages
  • Multicolor printing on Glossy Art paper
  • Laminated Art Paper (cover page)
  • Doctors Academy Publications
  • 1st Edition: December 2013
  • eBook: 154 pages
  • Operating System Independent Online Edition
  • Viewable using any device (PC, laptop, smart phones and tablets)
  • Needs an active Internet connection and supporting flash
  • Cannot be downloaded for off-line viewing
  • Doctors Academy Publications
  • 1st Edition: December 2013

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